
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

So Much to Do!

....and so happy to be doing what I can!  Went to a mosaic lesson at the library with my sister Kate and niece Sarah last Tuesday.  Have yet to finish my project, but it is something new for me.  Along with a variety of many other art projects going on at, tags, and always gifts to make.

 Speaking of gifts, I managed to finish the Christmas presents for my grand babies!  I don't even think I took photos of what I made, but I am just glad to have got them out in time to Alaska for Miranda & Henry, and on Christmas Eve at home for Harper! Belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year's to all!

Of course, these are not current photos, but they are what I have on my laptop right now, which I am using to update my blog.  Miranda is now five years old, Henry is seventeen months, and Harper is fourteen months old.  They are the light of our lives!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Oldies But Goodies...

Lost and found art project photos on pc to upload.  These are not new projects, just ones I've neglected to add.